愛與溫暖:我所瞥見的白冷會(四)|Love and Warmth: A Glimpse into Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem (IV)
4. Taking a Break
Afterwards, we went to the Taitung Sugar Factory to buy ice cream. The factory offered a wide variety of flavors, including custard apple, roselle, sweet rice wine, vanilla, milk, strawberry, mango, and plain ice. Perhaps the variety was related to the local produce. While we were choosing our ice cream, the professor secretly told us a bonus: whoever stood in line behind him could have their ice cream paid for by him. We were very grateful for the professor’s generosity. I ordered vanilla ice cream because I ate ice cream slowly and I worried that a popsicle would drip on my hand. My ice cream came in a paper cup, so I could savor it slowly even if it melted. Meanwhile, Xiao Si chose a roselle popsicle. I can only say that the vanilla ice cream was very sweet just like vanilla should be. I also took a bite of her roselle popsicle. I had to admit that even someone like me who doesn’t enjoy ice cream found it incredibly delicious! It was filled with lots of dried roselle flowers and cost only 19 NTD per stick. It was really cheap.
車上聽著潘老師簡述公東高工的歷史—1960年由錫質平神父(Rev. Jakob Hilber, 1917-1985)創立,引進瑞士的技職教育體系,使公東高工成為木工工匠之鄉,更在雷化民神父(Rev. Franz Leimer, 1928-1997)帶領下,公東高工的技藝訓練班,於1977年成為第一所由民間轉變為官方的職訓中心。潘老師接著敘說公東聖堂由瑞士蘇黎世著名的建築師達興登(Justus Dahinden, 1925-2020)設計,其教堂內部有玻璃彩繪裝飾,為清水模建築,而公東高工校舍與教室也是同樣模型,是臺灣極具瑞士風格的教堂之一,甚至被世界建築文物保護基金會評選為「世界30棟重要現代建築」。現因被縣政府斷定為危樓,仍在整修,不對外開放,所以這次田野調查團無緣進入,有點可惜。
On the bus, we listened to Professor Pan’s brief introduction to the history of St. Joseph Technical High School. It was founded in 1960 by Rev. Jakob Hilber (1917-1985), who introduced the vocational education system from Switzerland and made St. Joseph Technical High School a hub for woodworking craftsmanship. Under the leadership of Rev. Franz Leimer (1928-1997), the vocational training class at St. Joseph Technical High School became the first vocational center that converted from privately owned to official in 1977. Professor Pan then went on to describe that the Church of Kung-Tung Technical Senior High School was designed by the well-known architect Justus Dahinden (1925-2020) from Zurich, Switzerland. Inside, the church featured stained glass decorations and in the style of architectural concrete architecture. Similarly, the buildings and classrooms of St. Joseph Technical High School also followed this model. It was one of the churches in Taiwan with the most Swiss style and had even been selected by the World Monuments Fund as one of the “30 Important Modern Buildings in the World.” As currently it was deemed a dangerous building by the county government and was still under renovation, it was not open to the public. Therefore, our field survey team could not enter this time It was a bit unfortunate.
Figure 13. The notes about St. Joseph Technical High School and Church of Kung-Tung Technical Senior High School / Recorded by Yan-Xuan Chen
The article was initially published in Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 37, 2023, and has been translated and reprinted on DUET with permission.
作者|Author:華文文學系 陳嬿亘|Yan-Xuan Chen, Department of Sinophone Literatures
譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 吳伃雯|Stella Wu, Department of English