愛與溫暖:我所瞥見的白冷會(五)|Love and Warmth: A Glimpse into Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem (V)
5. Br. Augustin Büchel and the Taitung SMB
After a less than 5-minute drive, we arrived at the SMB located on Hangzhou Street in Taitung City at 2:35 pm.
一下車,陽光落在會院門前兩側的樹和花,及歐思定修士(Br. Augustin Büchel, 1936-)年邁卻堅毅的臉上,看到他早早站在會院門口正等待我們,朝著我們的方向緩緩走來。當你看見一位八十幾歲的老人家,尤其歐修士作為白冷會的見證者,為講述他所熟悉的人事物,不論狀況如何,仍在微風中等待著。不論多麼細小的事物,都以小心謹慎的態度對待,讓我看見歐修士做人處事的高度,也使我瞥見臺東白冷會深根的一角。這種從心靈深處的悸動與震撼,是一輩子無法遺忘。
The moment we got off the bus, the sunlight fell on the trees and flowers on both sides of the entrance, and on the aged but resolute face of Br. Augustin Büchel (1936-) We saw him standing at the entrance, waiting for us, and slowly making his way toward us. It was really impressive to see an elderly man in his eighties, particularly Br. Augustin as a witness of the SMB, waiting in the breeze just to tell about the people and events he knew well, regardless of how small a matter was. He treated the smallest matters with great care and caution. His attitude showed me the high standards he upheld in his life and work and gave me a glimpse of the deep roots of the SMB. This kind of deep emotional stirring and shock was something that I would never forget.
Br. Augustin Büchel, currently 87 years old, was from Switzerland. He joined the SMB at the age of 23, and coming to Taiwan in 1963, he served as the general affairs officer for both the SMB’s Taiwan and Taitung Deaneries and was the first SMB brother to come to Taiwan. Br. Augustin had been in Taiwan for nearly 60 years. In 2003, he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Taitung County, and in 2017, he naturalized as a citizen of the Republic of China, becoming a “true Taiwanese.”
Br. Augustin was multi-talented; he enjoyed swimming and hiking. In 1978, he founded the Xiangyang Mountaineering Team, exploring countless mountains and rivers. In 2015, he even climbed Mt. Xiangyang to celebrate his 80th birthday. He was a pioneer in natural education and environmental protection in Taitung, advocating for the planning of the Taitung Forest Park. In 1996, he received the Enthusiastic Environmental Sanitation Public Service Award. He was also a green thumb, with a love for various plants. All the flowers, grass, and trees at the SMB were planted by him.
When we first arrived at the SMB, Professor Pan introduced the faculty and students from the Department of History, National Dong Hwa University, to Ms. Chao, our contact person for the visit, Mr. Zhang, who had been a principal and was now the chairman of the SMB, and Br. Augustin. He also introduced me to them. On behalf of the faculty and students, I presented Br. Augustin with a gift box of nuts, along with a card I had drawn the day before. Interestingly, as I had never met Br. Augustin before, I could only sketch from a small photo provided by Professor Pan and add my own creative touches. Although I asked a few friends for their opinions and made some adjustments, upon meeting Br. Augustin in person, I realized he was not as I had imagined. My feelings were very mixed at that moment. On the one hand, I felt nervous about giving a gift to such an esteemed person; on the other hand, I felt a bit ashamed to give him a card that didn’t resemble him. Luckily, Br. Augustin smiled gently and, in his standard yet slightly unique accented Chinese, thanked me several times and politely said that there was no need to give so many gifts. His responses greatly eased my anxiety.
After the introductions and gift-giving, Br. Augustin asked us to form a circle at the entrance. He briefly introduced himself and the development of SMB in Taiwan, including his motivation for coming to Taitung, the challenges faced by the SMB in Taitung, and how they overcame these difficulties. Then, we followed Br. Augustin through the corridors of the SMB. We walked through the historical spaces and entered the basement, which had originally been an air-raid shelter but later became a storage area. Recently, it had transformed into a retrospective exhibition area in collaboration with a private broadcasting company.
The article was initially published in Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 37, 2023, and has been translated and reprinted on DUET with permission.
作者|Author:華文文學系 陳嬿亘|Yan-Xuan Chen, Department of Sinophone Literatures
譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 陳年柔|Annabeth Chen, Department of English