愛與溫暖:我所瞥見的白冷會(二)|Love and Warmth: A Glimpse into Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem (II)


2. Church of Our Lady in Guanshan and Catholic Holy Cross Hospice for the Chronically Ill


  We arrived at the Church of Our Lady in Guanshan around 11 a.m. Across from it stood the Guanshan Holy Cross Hospital founded by priests and brothers of the SMB and nuns of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross. It had been converted into the Catholic Holy Cross Hospice for the Chronically Ill and was currently closed to the public.

Figure 2. Catholic Holy Cross Hospice for the Chronically Ill / Photographed by Yan-Xuan Chen

  映入眼簾的是一個圓形符號,裡面有兩條直線交叉,似英文的X,大大的 P恆亙中間,為希臘文耶穌基督之意,以及關山天主堂的標誌,正如白冷會的神父、修士和聖十字架仁愛修女會的修女將基督的愛深根在臺東。

  What came into view was a circular symbol with two intersecting lines inside, shaped like the letter “X” in English, with a large “P” prominently in the middle. The symbol represents the Greek word for Jesus Christ and it is also the symbol of the Church of Our Lady in Guanshan. It reflects that the love of Christ has been deeply rooted in Taitung by the priests and brothers of the SMB and the nuns of Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross.


Figure 3. The Chi[X]-Rho[P]symbol of the Church of Our Lady in Guanshan / Photographed by Yan-Xuan Chen


  教堂有一組三口鐘,依中大小順序排下來,是1954年孫惠眾神父(Rev. Franz Senn, 1900-1976)從瑞士帶過來關山天主堂的鐘。當時還處於戒嚴時期,教堂不可以敲鐘,因為敲鐘聲音和消防警報的聲音相像,經常總有警察上門問話,但孫惠眾神父力排眾議,每日早課和彌撒時都會敲這組鐘,且鐘聲悠揚至今。

  The church had a set of three bells, arranged from medium to largest to smallest size, from top to bottom. They had been brought to the Church of Our Lady in Guanshan from Switzerland in 1954 by Rev. Franz Senn (1900-1976). At that time, Taiwan was under martial law and the church was prohibited from ringing the bells because the sound resembled that of a fire alarm. Although the police frequently came to inquire, Rev. Franz Senn overrode objections and rang the bells during every morning chanting and Mass, and their melodious sound continues to resonate to this day.


Figure 4. The bells brought from Switzerland inside the Church of Our Lady in Guanshan / Photographed by Yan-Xuan Chen


  鄭神父用略帶韓國腔的中文,向我們簡介關山天主堂和東部教區的歷史,及目前白冷會所面臨問題如何解決—調動其他方會和其他地區神父或修士,管理在臺東的天主堂。像是鄭神父便是來自韓國大邱的巴黎外方傳教會(Missions étrangères de Paris)神父,已到臺灣22年。

  Father Cheng briefly introduced the history of the Church of Our Lady in Guanshan and the Diocese of Hualien in slightly Korean-accented Chinese. He also discussed how the SMB had addressed the current challenges by mobilizing priests or brothers from other religious orders or regions to manage the church in Taitung. For instance, Father Cheng was from the Missions étrangères de Paris in Daegu, Korea, and had already been in Taiwan for 22 years.


  Since Father Cheng and the other worshippers were attending a class, we went inside the church to look around on our own.


  In the church, there were two rows of uniquely designed wooden chairs, crafted by students from St. Joseph Technical Senior High School established by the SMB. Despite being used for decades, they showed no signs of wear, damage, or cracks, and remained in excellent condition. At the back of the church were stained glass windows, and the walls on both sides were adorned with wooden carvings depicting the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In particular, the Bible was not placed in the front of the church but rather at the rear. Later on the bus, we finally understood the reason for this arrangement after the explanations of Jia-lai Chen, a graduate student currently pursuing a master’s degree at the Institute of Science, Technology and Society, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, and Professor Liang-kai Zhou, an authority in Taiwanese Historiophoty and Public History: in the early days, Catholic priests used to face away from the congregation during Mass, but after the Second Vatican Council (October 11, 1962 – December 8, 1965), they mostly faced toward the congregation. Similarly, the history of the SMB was originally circulated within the church, but now gradually opened to the public and allowed more people to learn about the SMB and its history.

Figure 5. The wooden carvings of Jesus on the walls on both sides of the church / Photographed by Yan-Xuan Chen

Figure 6. The stained-glass windows of the church / Photographed by Yan-Xuan Chen

  教堂前面是望彌撒的地方,很有趣的是,右邊是聖若瑟(Saint Joseph)像,上面寫著「勞工之父」。一旁看的室友小ㄒ心生疑惑,於是問我。但我告訴她,猜測可能與聖經中,聖若瑟是耶穌的養父,祂是一位木匠有關。(註一)左邊則是無染原罪聖母,教堂外頭也有一座類似的聖母像。

  The front of the church was the place for attending Mass. Interestingly, on the right side, there was a statue of Saint Joseph with the inscription “Father of Workers” above. My roommate, Xiao Si, who was looking at it, was confused and then asked me about it. I explained to her that it might be related to the fact that Saint Joseph, as depicted in the Bible, was Jesus’ foster father and a carpenter [1]. On the left was the statue of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. There was also a similar statue of the Virgin Mary outside the church.

Figure 7. In the front center was the statue of Jesus Christ being crucified. To the left was the statue of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, and to the right was the statue of Saint Joseph, Father of Workers. The wooden chairs were crafted by students from St. Joseph Technical Senior High School / Photographed by Yan-Xuan Chen


  While everyone was touring inside the church, I went outside and listened to Father Cheng, who was speaking in a mix of Korean and Chinese, sharing his daily life and its connection to the Bible with other worshippers or attendees of the class, and I also was also taking pictures of the exterior of the church. It was really interesting!

Figure 8. The exterior of the Church of Our Lady in Guanshan / Photographed by Yan-Xuan Chen

Figure 9. Field survey notes, doodles, and supplementary information of the Church of Our Lady in Guanshan / Drawn by Yan-Xuan Chen



  • 註一:「大聖若瑟是一位工人,天主特將降生為人的聖子託付這位模範工人,聖若瑟照管撫養。…他自食其力,用工作養活他的家庭。人而天主的吾主耶穌向他學習木匠手藝,他的確是一位最理想的模範工人。」參考5月1日大聖若瑟模範工人(St. Joseph the Worker)。聖人傳記。出版商:天主教思高聖經學會。取自方濟會思高讀經推廣中心John Duns Scotus Bible Reading Promotion Center (Franciscans in Taiwan)。URL:https://reurl.cc/d7Lexg。另請參考《瑪竇福音》對於聖若瑟家族血緣與職業的提及。參見瑪竇福音,13:55。聖經(思高繁體中文版)。取自方濟會思高讀經推廣中心John Duns Scotus Bible Reading Promotion Center (Franciscans in Taiwan)。URL:https://reurl.cc/Ge49XA。

The original article was published in Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 37, 2023, and has been translated and reprinted on DUET with permission.

作者|Author:華文文學系 陳嬿亘|Yan-Xuan Chen, Department of Sinophone Literatures

譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 解雯茜|Lubby Hsieh, Department of English