愛與溫暖:我所瞥見的白冷會(一)|Love and Warmth: A Glimpse into Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem (I)
1. Ready to Set Off
翻開畫冊上的筆記和塗鴉,瞬間憶起2022年12月3日,由歷史系潘宗億老師所帶領的「天主教白冷外方傳教會」(Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem,簡稱「白冷會」)田野調查團。
Flipping through the notes and doodles on my album, I immediately recall a visit made by the field survey team, led by Professor Tsung-yi Pan of the Department of History, to Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem, or SMB, on December 3, 2022.
At that time, I was so excited and so immersed in drawing cards for Br. Augustin Büchel and Rev. Josef Eugster that I lost track of the time and didn’t sleep until 4 a.m. I woke up at 7 a.m. and arrived at the front gate of National Dong Hwa University at 8:10 a.m. although I had thought I wouldn’t be able to catch the bus. While waiting, I happily chatted with my friends, and team members were arriving one after another at the front gate.
At 8:10 a.m., the sky we saw was brilliantly blue, and the weather in Taitung must be even more pleasant and azure. The teaching assistant, Zong-Cheng Hong, picked up the class attendance list and asked us to sign it. The attendance list was passed around from person to person as if it were an important ritual being passed on.
Taking out and glancing at my phone, it was 8:20 a.m. I felt quite nervous, perhaps because only Research Fellow Yi-fang Liao from the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, showed up, but the other five professors hadn’t arrived yet. I was afraid that the professors wouldn’t be able to catch the bus. Fortunately, Professor Pan arrived driving a white Volkswagen Golf, along with the other four professors, and eventually, we set off at 8:30 a.m.
After we boarded the tour bus, Professor Pan introduced the SMB to us. I jotted down all the notes. After Professor Pan finished the introduction, I closed my eyes to rest. However, I was too nervous and excited to take a rest.
The article was initially published in Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 37, 2023, and has been translated and reprinted on DUET with permission.
作者|Author:華文文學系 陳嬿亘|Yan-Xuan Chen, Department of Sinophone Literatures
譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 解雯茜|Lubby Hsieh, Department of English