The Impacts of Social Media to Mental Health|社群媒體對於心理健康的影響
108 Academic Year Award-winning English Essay of Prof. Chen-chen Tseng Memorial Scholarship,
Department of English, National Dong Hwa University
It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the boom of Social media and how it has become a necessity in our life. People use it for long-distance communication, entertainment, and many more. The usage is simple and versatile for all ages, and most people choose to use social media instead of phone service nowadays. But why is it important to talk about social media? Our generation is already living in a world where social media is taking over our social capability. It is crucial for the people of our generation to be knowledgeable about the impact social media could bring to our mental health and real-life sociability.
When we talk about social media, we think of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube. People use all these applications to connect with others from different parts of the world or simply for entertainment, like memes, celebrity gossip, and funny videos. People with similar interests assembles in cyberspace where they can meet and chat. Even though operating in front of separate screens, people from different countries, languages, ages, or even lifestyles have similar interests in the online world. It’s the easiest way to connect and talk to people about things we’re passionate about, but it’s damaging to our mental health when we keep spending excessive time in the online world. Lawrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, and Jeanne Segal, authors of the article “Smartphone and Internet Addiction,” stated that maladaptive use of smartphones can disrupt sleep and cause serious effects on our mental health, memory, the ability to think clearly, and the reduction of cognitive and learning skills.
Another problem with it is how it grew into an obsession. Social Media provides us with bite-sized chunks of recognition from likes, followers, and comments on our posts. We are enticed to receive an acknowledgment from strangers on the other side of the world by showing filtered pictures that look different in the real world; all of that because every single person wants to look better than how they look in real life. The obsession with being perfect all the time in the internet world lowers our self-esteem in real life, resulting in a high percentage of depression, anxiety, and frustration problems in the early adolescence. It’s no exaggeration to say that our generation is on the brink of the worst mental health crisis in decades. According to American psychologist Jean Twenge, rates of teen depression and suicide have skyrocketed since 2011, and much of this deterioration can be traced to our phones. The rise of smartphones and social media has caused a great change in our lives, and it has the highest impact on the people who grew up with it. Teenagers nowadays don’t even go out as much as we used to anymore. Why should they when the entertainment and connections with friends to satisfy their boredom and loneliness are at the palm of their hands?
This brings attention to sociability. Adolescence is the stage of life between childhood and adulthood. It’s the perfect phase to develop the fundamentals of biological growth and social transition. Concurrently, social media is eating away at the ability for people to connect properly in real life. Several studies show that depression can lead to negative mood, difficulty in enjoying chosen activities, and reduction of the desire for social interaction. Furthermore, some people may even feel isolated when they spend too much time alone with their phones. These symptoms will make it much worse for people to find new relationships. Excessive use of smartphones can also cause sleep deprivation, which will pose a risk to our mental health.
Social media has become a part of our lives, but it doesn’t mean it should control our lives. Generation Z needs to realize that there’s more than just magic screens in our lives. Getting on social media all the time just because we’re bored doesn’t seem like a good idea in the long term. Focusing on family members and friends, establishing new connections in real life, limiting screen time, or finding new hobbies can also be a solution to treat addictions to social media.
社群媒體已然成為我們生活的一部分,但這並不意味著它應該控制我們的生活。Z 世代需要意識到生活中不僅僅只有這神奇的螢幕,僅因無聊而不斷使用社群媒體從長遠看來似乎不是一個好主意。關注親朋好友、在現實生活中建立新的人際關係、控制螢幕使用時間或找尋新嗜好也可以成為治療社群媒體成癮的方法。
Works Cited
Blanco, Joel A., and Lynn A. Barnett. “The Effects of Depression on Leisure: Varying Relationships Between Enjoyment, Sociability, Participation, and Desired Outcomes in College Students.” Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 36, no. 5, 2014, pp. 458-78,
Robinson, Lawrence, et al. “Smartphone and Internet Addiction.”, 2019,
Twenge, Jean M. 2017. “Have smartphones destroyed a generation?” The Atlantic, September issue, 2017,
英文作者|Author:英美語文學系 饒欣而|Sherlyn Feodora, Department of English
中文譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 楊禹婕|Kate Yang, Department of English