Way Back Home|回家之路


109 Academic Year Award-winning English Essay of Prof. Chen-chen Tseng Memorial Scholarship,
Department of English, National Dong Hwa University

  On February 5th, 2020, I ran away to Changsha Airport with my father by driving the car at night. I still feel terror-stricken when I recall this experience. My parents worked in Mainland China, Hubei, where the coronavirus originated. After a year-long preparation, I finished my college entrance examination and visited them in January. Unfortunately, Happy New Year went along with a terrible outbreak of the epidemic. My father tried his best to send me back to Taiwan. We slept in the car for almost 4 days to wait for my flight. My father was relieved when I finally boarded the plane. However, we didn’t know that this was the beginning of a nightmare.


  To transfer to another plane to Taoyuan, I landed at Xiamen Airport (due to the pandemic, the Taiwan Government issued orders to implement border control). Airport customs and police forced every passenger to scan a special QR code that could show the places you had stayed in the past 14 days. The scan showed that I had stayed in Hubei, so immediately, I was temporarily detained in an interrogation room in the airport. I could not even speak there. They detained me and deliberately caused me to miss my flight. I was so frightened that I wanted to cry. Inside the room, I suffered alone in silence. People outside the room disputed where I should go. I knew nothing about this city, and I was helpless.

  為了能夠抵達桃園機場,我需要在廈門轉機(由於疫情,台灣政府下達指令進行航班管制)。廈門機場的海關和警察,強制要求每一位下機的乘客,掃描一個特殊的QR code。這個QR code可以顯示你過去十四天內的所有活動足跡。當我掃描時, QR code顯示過去的十四天內我曾待在湖北。我立刻被帶走並暫時扣留在機場的審訊室。在那裡我幾乎說不出話來,他們把我扣留在審訊室裡並故意拖延時間讓我錯過轉機的航班。我那時害怕到很想大哭,在審訊室裡,只有我一個人和一片死寂。我依稀可以聽到其他人在門外爭執著應該讓我去哪裡的討論聲。對於廈門這個城市我一無所知,而我卻孤身一人。

  Eventually, the police took me to the ambulance, which had waited outside the airport. They said they would let me take the next flight the next morning. However, when I arrived at the hotel, the driver dragged my luggage out and told me that I had to stay in this quarantine hotel for 14 days. People around me all dressed like biochemical warriors. Did I look like a virus? I was freaking out and clutching the door of the ambulance. I knew if I unclasped my fingers, I might lose a chance to go back home. I must go home before April because of the interview with the professor at my dream university.


  I can hardly remember the details of that night, but the feeling of helplessness has left a deep imprint in my mind. I was crying and calling the people whom I knew for help. My parents and my relatives in Taiwan were all shocked. My aunt advised me not to get off the ambulance. I knew she was right, but who could help me then? Distant water does not put out a nearby fire. I was forced to stay in the hotel for 14 days until March.


  Desperate disappointment always comes first when there seems to be some hope. When I eventually finished my quarantine, I got a phone call from the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF). They informed me that I wasn’t permitted to go back to Taiwan because my name got a red remark on the airport list of people who were banned from entering Taiwan. SEF promised they would try their best to help me go back home, but the date was uncertain. When I heard about it, I could barely stand and burst into tears, just like a tight string that suddenly broke. The hope of going back home after quarantine always supported me and gave me some strength, but now what could I do, and who could help me? I wandered around Xiamen alone for almost two weeks. I had no choice but to wait for the Taiwan government to issue a permit.


  I sincerely thank my family and friends for always caring about me and talking to me during this time. Even my teachers and classmates registered for a WeChat account to have video phone calls with me. Furthermore, all the hardworking people in SEF tried their best to accelerate the review process and put me on the priority list. Before March 20th, I got the permission to go back home. Fortunately, after a series of epidemic inspections and another 14 days of quarantine, I was safe and sound.


  On April 23rd, I went to the Department of English, National Dong Hwa University, and had an interview. Moreover, I was lucky to be one of the students in the department. I couldn’t imagine how fortunate I was, as I never knew how long and challenging the way back home could be.


英文作者|Author:英美語文學系 解雯茜|Lubby Hsieh, Department of English

中文譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 解雯茜|Lubby Hsieh, Department of English