地方志與田野踏查實務課程 駐地學習心得(一)|The Writing of Local History with the Practice of Field Survey: My Learning Experience I


  Culture is the way of life of a group of people. However, people living and sharing the same lifestyle and culture here are no longer limited to one group of people as time goes by. In the modern society of mixed communities and intermingled cultures, the specific traditions and cultures of a single community are gradually integrating. As in the case of urban settlements, the non-Amis residents, including the Han people, Hakka, and new immigrants, settled here. These people are also involved in the Amis culture and rituals, and are even familiar with their traditional stories, taboos, and the Amis language. Therefore, under such circumstances, we’d like to use a story map to show you how people of different age classes, ethnic groups, identities, and tribes, who also grew up in the tribe of Ji’an interpret the Amis’s cultural heritage.


  During the process of the field survey, we discussed “indigenous peoples” and “indigenous cultures” with different ethnic groups. We peeked into indigenous cultures from different points of view, re-evaluated the knowledge we have about indigenous cultures, and interpreted them more rightly.


  It is unlikely that we can fully understand the culture of the other. However, we can try to give a closer look at the culture, understand it, and then interpret it. When one evening, we interviewed the tribal boys who had just reached adulthood, it was probably the time when we could get very close to what we think of as “field.” Regardless of the definition of an ideal field study, our talking with the boys at that time and that place was an appropriate field study. Their explanation of their own cultural identity at different ages allows us to know something new about the rite of passage, Harvest Festival, and ethnic culture. From what they try to do and promote in terms of cultural inheritance, we can see what such culture symbolizes for themselves and their communities.


  In the evening when we interviewed the tribal people, our group members took part in the dance prepared for the Harvest Festival. In the formal interviews, we talked about their understanding of cultural heritage and their identification with their own culture; in the informal interviews, we were able to take a closer look at the lifestyle and phenomenon of the tribe. By walking into the field, we experienced the discomfort brought by cultural conflict and the intimacy built up afterwards.


  Our team had the opportunity to interview people of different ages in the Natawran tribe, listen to the staff of the Amis Museum about the stories of the Amis people in the photos, learn about the early DongChung tribe from the chief of the DongChang village, and on the last day, talk with non-indigenous high school girls of DongChang village about their recognition, identification, interpretation, and inheritance of the DongChang tribe.

Zheng-Xian Liu of the Amis Museum explained old photos of the Amis people. (Photograph by Yan-Xin Chen)

The youths of the Natawran tribe. (Photograph by Yan-Xin Chen)


  After learning about the culture from different perspectives, we have found that everything we read before about the field survey is very different from what we witnessed on the spot. Reflecting on the Amis culture written in journal articles, we remind ourselves of the dangers of a “single story.” In fact, the blind spot of “single storytelling” results from the ignorance of a different culture and the absolute belief of journal articles. The actual experience gives us a great impact on our original understanding and provides us with a rare opportunity to reconstruct our knowledge.


  Although the prior preparation can reduce the misunderstanding of “indigenous cultures” due to the collected data gathered by scholars, the data can meanwhile mislead readers to partially define indigenous cultures.


  Thus, we should examine the related issues from various perspectives. When we understand that there can never be only one single story of a region or a race, we will know that the world is much wider than we can imagine and that each of these different cultures is rich and wonderful.

作者|Author:歷史學系 陳嬿欣|Yan-Xin Chen, Department of History

譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 陳年柔|Annabeth Chen, Department of English