環島回憶錄 ​Huandao Taiwan 2020-2022

水島貴大 Takahiro Mizushima

I’m Takahiro Mizushima, a Japanese photographer. Much of my work consists of “streets and people who live there,” exploring the deepest energy and emotions of people. In street photography, what locations make us feel is profoundly connected with people living there. I took those feelings into the body of my work which synchronizes with my imagination. I combine those photos I’ve taken into an integrated living entity, and present it in the form of images. Looking at those street photos makes me feel like recollecting from the memories of my early days that “we are weeping and laughing at the same time.”

Having moved to Taiwan in January, 2020 in order to shoot more new works, now my works have been accumulated for two years. Based on my tour around Taiwan, an abundant collage of various images are converted into a collective work I present to you now.

Through the lenses, portraits of different people are sealed in photographs I have shot walking along the streets. Photographs such as people standing on pavements with relaxing faces, some random moments, and places are collected and offer a meditation on the viewers’ own memories.

The documentation of my tour around Taiwan is still in progress now.

The time I first heard of Hualien was when I just moved to Taiwan. As I recall, my decision to move to Taiwan is not about my photography work. I made my decision to move to Taiwan without truly knowing anything about it. Traveling along the east coast of Taiwan, I was heading towards a city with a Mandarin character “flower” (Hua) in it. With a few leads about this strange place, I went to Hualien in October, 2020.


為了拍攝新的作品,我從 2020 年 1 月開始搬到台灣住了下來,現在大概有兩年的攝影作品量。把在台灣環島一周的旅程作為故事背景,現在的作品集結了長時間環島中所累積的各式各樣的人的生活樣貌。



第一次聽到花蓮這個名字是我剛來台灣生活的時候。現在回想起來,和決定來台灣拍攝作品無關,我連台灣是什麼樣的地方都不知道就決定搬過來生活了。沿著東部海岸,前往像是花的城市的名字的地方,只憑著這樣一點點印象就前往花蓮,出訪花蓮時是大約在 2020 年 10 月左右的時候。