愛與溫暖:我所瞥見的白冷會(七)|Love and Warmth: A Glimpse into Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem (VII)

  除了上述照片外,也展出實體物品,如:池作基神父(Rev. Meinrad Tschirky, 1930-1992)親自攝影,用德文寫的相片手札本;或是由歐修士提供的「Bikon」日本精工迷你幻燈機,全金屬機身,日本Seiko公司早期製造,光源透過幻燈片和鏡頭產生一個放大的影像,投射在呈垂直角的投影幕上,是1950、1960年代常見的娛樂設備,適合親朋好友聚集一起欣賞;還有「Hermes(愛馬仕)2000」瑞士古董打字機,由瑞士Paillard公司於1952年製造,是陪伴歐修士辦公的珍藏,一一記下白冷會過往歲月時光。但最令我感興趣的是展區另一幅合照的大看板,這個看板是1987年白冷會神父和修士們於泰源天主堂,為洪克明神父(Rev. Fritz Hunkeler, 1920-2000)慶生。而印象最深刻的是,照片裡有兩個小孩,其中一個小孩直接坐在神父腳前,這畫面震撼我的內心。於是,我好奇地問歐修士這張「修行生活」照片為何,雖然當下想問的是歐修士對這張照片的想法,但不好意思這麼直接,因此才向歐修士如此說。可很神奇的是,卻意外問到照片上沒有的事情。歐修士向我們說,這張修行生活照拍攝是在星期一,其中會院有位神父希望會士們能在星期一休息放鬆,出來走一走,而剛好那天也是洪克明神父生日,便到位在東河鄉的泰源天主堂慶祝。正如後來我在白冷會Facebook粉絲專頁看到的貼文所述:自然、真實、樸實,這,就是白冷會。

  In addition to the aforementioned photos, physical objects were also on display, such as a photo album written in German by Rev. Meinrad Tschirky (1930-1992), who took the photos himself. Br. Augustin also provided a Bikon mini slide projector made by Seiko in Japan. It had a full metal body and was an early product of Seiko. The light source projects an enlarged image through the slide and lens onto a vertically positioned screen. It was a common entertainment device in the 1950s and 1960s, suitable for gatherings of friends and family. He also provided a Hermes 2000 Swiss antique typewriter manufactured by the Paillard company in 1952. This typewriter, cherished Br. Augustin, accompanied him in his office, recording the past years of the SMB. Nevertheless, what interested me the most was another large group photo board in the exhibition area. This board showed a group photo of the priests and brothers of the SMB celebrating Rev. Fritz Hunkeler’s (1920-2000) birthday at the Church of St. Teresa in Taiyuan in 1987. What impressed me the most was that there were two children in the photo, one of whom was sitting directly at the priest’s feet. This scene deeply moved me. So, I curiously asked Br. Augustin about this “monastic life” photo. Although I wanted to ask Br. Augustin about his thoughts on this photo, I was too shy to ask directly, so I asked him in this way. Surprisingly, I ended up learning about things not shown in the photo. Br. Augustin told us that this photo of monastic life was taken on a Monday. One of the priests in the monastery wanted the brothers to relax and take a walk on a Monday. Coincidentally, it was also Rev. Fritz Hunkeler’s birthday that day, so they went to the Church of St. Teresa in Taiyuan in Donghe Township to celebrate. As later described in a post I saw on the Facebook fan page of the SMB: natural, genuine, and simple—this is the SMB.


Figure 17. The 1/100 model of the monastery of SMB in Taitung / Photograph by Yan-Xuan Chen

Figure 18. Rev. Meinrad Tschirky’s photo album / Photograph by Yan-Xuan Chen

Figure 19. The Bikon Japanese mini slide projector and slides provided by Br. Augustin / Photograph by Yan-Xuan Chen

Figure 20. The Hermes 2000 typewriter that accompanied Br. Augustin during his work / Photograph by Yan-Xuan Chen

The article was initially published in Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 37, 2023, and has been translated and reprinted on DUET with permission.

作者|Author:華文文學系 陳嬿亘|Yan-Xuan Chen, Department of Sinophone Literatures

譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 楊禹婕|Kate Yang, Department of English