Cima-kiso?非原來的樣子 | 導演 湯琇媚 (Filmmaker | May Tang)
In the College of Indigenous Studies at National Dong Hwa University, the proportion of non-indigenous students in the Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures is about half. Their life experience also has many differences from the culture of indigenous peoples. For students of non-indigenous groups, being in an institution for indigenous peoples always has the same feeling of cultural differences as the indigenous peoples living in the mainstream society. And this made them realize that, as the majority in mainstream society, they enjoy the "indigenous dividend" in the social structure. Knowing the historical background of the indigenous peoples and being colonized on this land, they have the inner dilemma of "Han" self-identity and how to deal with the relationship between two ethnic groups: Han and indigenous peoples. I would like to ask further questions through the video, why do non-indigenous students choose to come here? Why do they study the culture of other ethnic groups? What kind of culture shock do they face after leaving mainstream society? How do they deal with the relationship with their environment?
導演 ▋ 湯琇媚,目前就讀東華大學族群關係與文化學系。 我第一次拍片。 同為非原住民族群的學生,希望從自己的生活經驗出發,透過紀錄片創造更多對話的可能。
Filmmaker | Maja Tang
Currently studying in Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures, I, as a non-indigenous student, made my first film Cima-kiso?. I want to initiate more dialogues to build understanding across diverse viewpoints via my filmmaking.