「踏溯吉安」:歷史踏察|“A Stroll at Ji’an”: Visits to the History

1. 吉野石羊的由來

1. The Stone Sheep at Yoshino Village


  In recent years, the cycling route from Qixingtan Beach to Li-yu Lake has become a must-go itinerary for cyclists. On this route, in the section of Hua-jen Embankment, we can find the stone carving of the post office of Yoshino Immigrant Village and the eight impressive stone carvings of sheep—Yoshino Stone Sheep. The stone carvings of Yoshino Village are understandably memorials of culture and history, but what about the eight stone sheep on the coast?


  According to the digital newspaper of The 9th River Management Office, Water Resources Agency, and the interview of the director of The 9th River Management Office in the report of Broadcasting Corporation of China News, we can learn that these stone sheep are public art. During the progress of the Hua-jen Coast Improvement Project, the office invited artists to produce public art to add some vigor to the cold public construction and improve the value of sightseeing and leisure on the coast. At that time, the director even wished to make the sheep have some baaing sounds so that tourists might have fun when they were around the sheep.


  These years, many public constructions have the design of public art. The design not only reveals the creativity of the construction organizer, but also complies with the Regulations on the Installation of Public Art. To plan and carry out public art, the organizer has to appropriate a part of the fund and establish a public art installation team for public buildings or major public construction. The stone carving art in Hualien has become a local cultural and industrial feature for over ten years. It’s no surprise that there are public artworks along the Hua-jen Coast. It’s also worthy of recognition and encouragement to mix local historical and cultural features with the creativity of public art.


  When you visit here, you may pay some attention to the other special stone carvings in addition to those for the post office and the stone sheep of Yoshino.

2. 吉安鄉慶豐村(宮前)的日本移民家屋分布

2. The Distribution of Japanese Immigrant Houses in Qingfeng Village (Miyamae), Ji’an


  “The house layout of the Miyamae Area” is drawn from memory of the Wansei (Taiwanese-born Japanese during the Japanese imperial rule in Taiwan). This picture is very important for learning about the layout of spaces and buildings of immigrant villages in the late period of Japanese colonization. It is also widely used in related publications and tour brochures. It’s a pity that most of the documents have no captions. Even in the Ji’an Township Chronicle, published in 2002, the picture was used only as a historical image without any description.


  Then, how to interpret this picture? Here are some tips for you:

  (1) 首先來看看這是誰畫的,以及對該圖的相關註記,在圖面的左側有標示這張圖是中島恆夫、松本秋男、中島泰二這三位製作(他們的姓氏也都有出現在圖中的住家中,看來應該是這邊早期的居民)。而該圖是由堀工吉治Layout成圖的。下方也有註記說明,這圖是憑記憶所描繪的,記述上若有錯誤請見諒。

  First, you may take a look at the authors and the annotations. On the left side of the map, you can find that the map was made by Tsueno Nakajima, Akio Matsumoto, and Taiji Nakajima (it seems that they were residents in this area since their last names also appear on the houses on the map), and the layout was designed by Kichiji Horiku. The annotation below also reveals that the map was made from memory and the authors asked for pardon for any mistakes.

  (2) 接下來看一這張圖的索引資料,中間有張小的索引圖,標示北方、主要道路以及A、B、C、D四個聚落的相對位置。圖面正中央的A是最大的聚落,也是吉野神社的所在地,另外左側有B聚落、右方有C、D聚落,分別是宮前的分支聚落。可推測應該是移民村這種折衷型集村在聚落發展後期延伸出來的的分支聚落。

  Next, check the index of the map. In the middle, there is a small index that marks the north, the main streets, and the relative position of settlements A, B, C, and D. Settlement A in the center of the map is the biggest one and is the location of the Yoshino Shrine. On the left side is Settlement B and on the right are Settlement C and Settlement D that are branches of Miyamae Settlement. It can be speculated that these settlements are branch settlements in the later stage of development of eclectic settlements like immigrant villages.

  (3) 若進一步透過地圖(1945美軍空拍、戰後各版本地形圖),村里界來對照,雖然這些聚落在日治後期都是在吉野村境內,但戰後僅有A、B是在慶豐村,D則位於勝安村、C在吉安村。並非所有的聚落都是在慶豐村唷!

  Then, if you compare the boundaries of the villages on it with those on other maps, such as aerial images taken by the US army in 1945 or different versions of the topographic photos after WWII, you will find that these settlements all belong to Yoshino Village in the late period of Japanese colonization. However, after WWII, only Settlement A and Settlement B have been at Qingfeng Village. Settlement D belongs to Sheng-an Village, and C to Ji’an Village. Not all of them are at Qingfeng Village.

  (4) 接下來可以比對道路、街廓的配置,在A聚落有個十字型的主要道路,被稱為五間道路。五間相當於30尺,換算公制就是9.09公尺,是說明當時道路的路寬。這十字形主要道路,南北向的就是現在的吉安路二段,東西向的就是中山路三段。

  Fourth, you can compare the configuration of roads and blocks. A main crossroad called “Five Ken Road” can be found in Settlement A. The name “five ken” is about the width of the road, and a “ken” is a unit of length. Five “ken” is about 9.09 meters, so the road is 9.09 meters wide. The north-south direction of the cross-shaped main road is the second section of Ji’an Road and the east-west direction of it is the third section of Zhongshan Road today.

  (5) 最後,可以來看看配置圖中的一些公共設施,除了最明顯的神社之外,還可以看到地神、菸草乾燥室、共同浴場、購買部、青年會館、儲水槽等位置。若瞭解當時的村長姓氏(西村),也可以知道村長家的所在地。透過這些比對,都可以確認這些機關、建物的現況位置,例如青年會館就是現在的銀髮樂活館、地神所在位置已成為慶天宮等。

  Finally, let’s check some public facilities on the map. In addition to the most obvious Shrine, the Land God, a tobacco drying room, a public bath, a grocery store, a youth hall, and a water storage tank can be found. If you know the last name of the chief of the village (Nishimura), you can find where the chief lived. By comparing the configuration now and then, we can learn what those facilities become now. For example, the youth hall is now the senior activity hall and the Land God is now Qing-tian Temple, etc.


  You may be curious about the use of the public bath now. I’ll leave it for the live tour guide in the future.

3. 慶豐村的人口、族群與地名概述

3. An Overview of the Population, Ethnic Groups, and Place Names of Qingfeng Village


  Qingfeng Village is adjacent to Sheng’an, Yong’an, and Taichang Villages with Ji’an River in the north, to Ji’an Village with Zhongyuan Drainage Ditch to Qingnan Fifth Street in the south, and to Yichang Village with Zhongyuan Drainage Ditch in a small corner in the southeast. According to the household registration statistics in 2022, there were 3,077 households at Qingfeng Village with a population of 7,836, including 3,934 males and 3,902 females. During the Qing Dynasty, Qingfeng Village was the area where the indigenous people of the Cikasuan tribe lived. During the Japanese colonial period, it was called “Miyamae,” which was named after the location of the Japanese shrine. It was renamed to its present name in 1948.


  According to the record in Ji’an Township Chronicle (2002), residents of the village came from all over the world, so the surnames were mixed. In the past, each of the three peoples, Hoklo people, Hakka people, and indigenous people, accounted for one-third. Today, the population of Hoklo and Hakka peoples is relatively large, and the indigenous people account for about 14% of the population of the village. Most of the Hakkas come from Hsinchu and Miaoli. In the early days, agriculture was the mainstay, but now the occupations are more diverse. Because Qingfeng is close to Hualien City, there is less population outflow. According to the population data of the past 10 years, although the population has declined slightly in recent years, Qingfeng is still the village with the largest population growth at Ji’an in the past 10 years, and it is also the only village with a population growth of more than 500 people. The belief in this village is mainly Taoism, and most of them worship the Queen Mother of the West. The indigenous ethnic group holds a harvest festival every year.



  From the population pyramid of Qingfeng Village, we can see that the young and middle-aged population and the school-age population are relatively small, but the age group in the 20s is more prominent, and the number of people aged 0-4 is more than that of people aged 5-9 and 10-14. The implication of this demographic structure requires further investigation….

文字與圖片轉載自郭俊麟,「踏溯吉安」Facebook社團|Texts and pictures are by Chun-lin Kuo, from the Facebook group “A Stroll at Ji’an”

譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 吳伃雯|Stella Wu, Department of English