再現回憶中的烏托邦 - 大王菜鋪子 | Da Wang Green Grocery - To Revive a Utopia
「我想創造一個烏托邦」說這句話的人是「大王菜舖子」的老闆——王福裕,童年在農村長大的他離開都市叢林再次回到鄉村,在里山 註(1),一處位於花蓮壽豐鄉和平村的富饒土地,一步一腳印的重現過去那鄰里互相扶持、孩子在田間抓青蛙、魚兒在水溝悠游的時光。
With the growth of industrialization and capitalism, people are demanding businesses with low cost, high productivity and high profits. Therefore, a lot of valuable assets are being wasted and neglected in this profit and money-oriented world. Agriculture, formerly regarded as relatively harmless, is now damaging our environment. The lives of insects, frogs, and birds are severely threatened by modern agricultural methods. Under the circumstances, some people are hoping to find a pure land and live a simple life. This has given rise to environmentally friendly agriculture, which uses the most natural and tender way to farm Mother Earth.
▌Seek the unseekable freedom
"I want to build a utopia" says Wang Fu-yu, the owner of Da Wang Green Grocery. He returned from the city to his rural hometown, a Satoyama[1] which is located at Pinghe Village in Shoufeng Township, Hualien. He misses the time when people in the neighborhood helped each other and the children caught frogs and fishes near the fields.
▌Become a friend of everyone in a small village
Da Wang is running a business that is friendly both to the environment and the community. This environmentally friendly agriculture connects people in the neighborhood. It acts as a distributor for the small farmers, and provides safe vegetables and other foods for the health-conscious. Farmers and families believe what Da Wang believes, so they trust him and have befriended him. Thanks to him, the children in the village have developed a keener power of observation than one typically sees in children from urban areas, and are more conversant with the nature. He also offers jobs to unemployed women, helping them restart their lives. Da Wang has developed holistic Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) based on the concepts and practices of environmentally friendly agriculture. As he uses his knowledge to revitalize the remote village, the villagers are supporting him. Pinghe Village has come back to life with his help.
▌Coexist Wisely With Nature
大王的田從不需要擔心這些問題!他的秘密武器就是滿江紅 註(2)。先將荖溪清澈的水引至一渠池塘,將繁衍速度極快的滿江紅放置池中,任其生長,待稻苗高過雜草後,將閘門打開,伴隨著魚蝦貝類和滿江紅的溪水流入田中,一齣好戲就此上演:
溪水淹沒了雜草,而與滿江紅共生 註(3)的藍綠藻 註(4)會進行固氮作用 註(5),將空氣中的氮氣轉化成植物能利用的氮肥。至於聰明的福壽螺,相較於硬邦邦的稻梗,牠更喜歡浮在水面上翠綠可口的滿江紅,稻米也就逃過一劫,當福壽螺繁殖到一定數量,烏龜、魚類便聞香而至,一物剋一物,生生不息,稻農最頭痛的福壽螺問題就此解決。更棒的是,水面的滿江紅既保護水下生物又可以防治蚊蟲,一舉數得。
Natural farming works according to nature. Have you ever wondered why plants grow so densely in an old-growth forest, even without fertilizer and weed control? Every single creature deserves to exist. Why is it here? How do they interact with each other? "We have to learn from the forests" says Da Wang. The elements of the whole ecosystem reinforce or counteract each other. Too many are wiped out, but only a few are re-bred. When a phenomenon occurs, there must be something wrong. His scientific thinking helps in finding solutions to these problems.
Let's take rice paddies as an example. What farmers often do involves treating symptoms, but not curing the disease. They eliminate weeds, kill apple snails, and fertilize the malnourished crops. But all these actions go against nature and this opposition hurts both sides. The ecosystem is damaged and the farmers are at a loss when the quality and quantity of crops decline. Although the old saying goes, "Each grain in your dish is a fruit of hard labor", when you know the rule of nature, farming is not always hard labor. Da Wang, nevertheless, enjoys his life in the field.
He has never worried about his fields. His secret weapon is Azolla pinnata[2]. Primarily, he transports fresh water from the Lao Stream to a pond, and then puts the plant in the pond, where it will reproduce rapidly. When the rice seedlings are higher than the weeds, it is time to open the sluice gates and let the fresh water containing fishes, prawns, clams and Azolla pinnata flow into the field. Then, a show commences.
The fresh water will flood the weeds. Cyanobacteria[3] which coexist with Azolla pinnata, will perform nitrogen fixation, which is a process by which nitrogen in the air is converted into nitrogen fertilizers that can be assimilated by plants. At the same time, the clever apple snails will float in the water and eat the soft and tasty Azolla pinnata instead of the hard rice seedlings. When the number of apple snails increases, this will attract turtles and fishes. When there is a pest, there is a natural predator that can subdue it. It is like an endless cycle. The tricky problem heretofore caused by apple snails is thus solved. Furthermore, the floating Azolla pinnata not only protects the crops under the water, but also gets rid of the pests in one fell swoop.
To Da Wang, environmentally friendly agriculture is more than just a slogan. It's both a truth and a miracle.
▌To Revive a Utopia
一個人的力量太微小,若要讓「友善農業」更普遍,需要更多人瞭解、學習。於是,大王成為老師,親自教導在地小孩種農作、設陷阱,帶著他們向大自然學習;大王扮演輔助者,提供場域給有理想的年輕人,讓他們自己下田,從實做中尋找答案 ;大王化身顧問,當鄰近的農家遇到瓶頸、一籌莫展之際,他站出來,給他們方向,無私分享寶貴的經驗,讓人們看見希望。大王說他在建造他的烏托邦,而同時許多人在他的烏托邦裡為自己的伊甸園也繪下藍圖。
(1) 村與山之間的氾濫凹地
(2) 淡水浮水生小型蕨類
(3) 兩種生物互利且相依存
(4) 能透過自營與異營獲取能量的細菌
(5) 特定物種將空氣中的氮轉化成植物可吸收營養的過程
One person cannot do much, however. More people should be learning and keeping up with the principles and practices of environmentally friendly agriculture in order to make it widespread. Therefore, Da Wang teaches local children to farm, to set traps, and to learn from nature. He provides land for hopeful young people and lets them work on it to find the answers. He also plays the role of a consultant to help solve the local farmers' problems and gives them directions when they are facing obstacles by unselfishly sharing his experiences. Da Wang says that he is building a utopia. At the same time, within his utopia, other people can start building their own.
[1] The border zone or area between mountain foothills and arable flat land.
[2] An aquatic plant, with its front floating upon the surface of the water.
[3] A phylum of bacteria that obtain their energy through photosynthesis.