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愛與溫暖:我所瞥見的白冷會(九)|Love and Warmth: A Glimpse into Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem (IX)


  Upon entering the hall of the monastery, Br. Augustin continued to explain the people in the photos on the wall to us, but it was evident that he was feeling a little bit tired. In fact, both Xiao Si and I had sensed this from the moment we arrived at the monastery entrance. Although Br. Augustin was happy to welcome us, perhaps due to his age, he seemed to struggle with his energy. When someone asked him a question, he often couldn’t remember the answer and would say, “Sorry, I’m old, and I can’t remember this (pointing to his head),” and we could sense his disappointment. Around 4 p.m., Principal Zhang seemed to notice this as well and suggested that Br. Augustin take a rest. Although Br. Augustin seemed to want to continue, he probably felt he couldn’t, so he joined the teachers in the reception room to chat and rest. The teaching assistant then led us students to a lounge, where we could either freely explore the SMB or rest here. Taking this opportunity, Xiao Si and I, along with the senior student Jia-lai Chen and another senior, went to visit the nursing center of St. Mary’s Hospital Taitung next door. We opened a small gate, walked through a garden, and reached the nursing center in less than two minutes. Chen introduced us to the history of St. Mary’s Hospital and the SMB. One of the buildings used to be the dormitory for the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, and there was also a chapel for Mass. He explained that the coconut trees faced southeast because the original main entrance of the SMB was not in its current location but near the back gate, adjacent to the St. Mary’s Hospital.

Figure 22. Br. Augustin introduces the photos of various priests and brothers on the wall of the monastery hall. / Photograph by Yan-Xuan Chen


  Afterwards, we returned to the chapel of the SMB for a visit. Upon entering the chapel, there was a sense of sacred solemnity, reminiscent of a Mass. At the front center of the hall, there was a painting depicting Jesus and six circles, each containing corresponding figures and scenes, resembling the art style of the 6th or 7th century. Although the Latin inscriptions were incomprehensible to me, they deeply captivated me. We walked out of the chapel, passing through the preparation room, prayer room, and confessional. Along the way, we discussed the functions and significance of these places. Next, we went to the reception lounge where the teachers and Br. Augustin were. There, we saw charming fabric illustrations of Jesus spreading the gospel, with an art style similar to European medieval art, anti-realism, but with more prominent eyes, resembling the chibi-style of modern anime characters. There was also an abstract art painting hanging at the front of the reception room, using various geometric shapes to symbolize Jesus Christ as the shepherd, believers as the flock of sheep, and God using His staff to protect the flock, showing light and stars to fend off the devil’s forces, represented by mixed color blocks.

圖23、衣索比亞四旬期靈修聖畫,這幅靈修壁畫由11個小圖組成。圖1、2為「殺弟之罪」,圖3、4「諾厄方舟」與「彩虹之約」,圖5-8 是「稅吏匝凱」,圖9為耶穌醫治病人,圖10「五餅二魚」,圖11為「凱旋歌」(註五)/陳嬿亘拍攝|
Figure 23. Ethiopian Lenten Devotional Paintings, composed of eleven small images. Images 1 and 2 depict “The Sin of Cain,” images 3 and 4 show “Noah’s Ark” and “The Covenant of the Rainbow,” images 5 to 8 illustrate “Zacchaeus the Tax Collector,” image 9 shows Jesus healing the sick, image 10 depicts “The Feeding of the Five Thousand,” and image 11 represents “The Song of Triumph” (Note 5). / Photograph by Yan-Xuan Chen

Figure 24. Geometric abstract painting of Jesus protecting the flock / Photograph by Yan-Xuan Chen



  • 註五:詳細圖畫故事請參考由馬蘭聖若瑟天主堂魏主安神父(Fr. Gottfried Vonwyl)口述,洪崢(Peter Hong)記錄、攝影(2020年3月25日)。衣索比亞神秘畫家11幅四旬期靈修聖畫(上)、(中)、(下),ETtoday東森新聞雲。取自https://forum.ettoday.net/news/665713?redirect=1

  • [5] For detailed stories on the paintings, please refer to the narration by Fr. Gottfried Vonwyl of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Malan, recorded and photographed by Peter Hong, “The 11 Lenten Devotional Paintings by the Mysterious Ethiopian Painter (Parts I, II, and III).” ETtoday, 25 Mar. 2020, 
    Additionally, a behind-the-scenes video featuring Father Gottfried Vonwyl explaining the biblical origins of each Ethiopian Lenten Devotional Paintings, filmed by Peter Hong, can be found at 
    https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=472594612945440, uploaded by Societas Missionaria de Bethlehem, 19 Mar. 2016.

The article was initially published in Dong Hwa Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 37, 2023, and has been translated and reprinted on DUET with permission.

作者|Author:華文文學系 陳嬿亘|Yan-Xuan Chen, Department of Sinophone Literatures

譯者|Translator:英美語文學系 吳伃雯|Stella Wu, Department of English